My Global Scholar Experience

     Looking back on my time in the Global Scholars and GIP program, it has definitely been one of the most rewarding experiences for me in high school. I first got involved with the Global Initiatives Program during my freshman year attending GIP events, and it interested me enough to make me want to take the GIP trip to the Dominican Republic. This was one of the most amazing trips I'd ever experienced and really marked the spot from where I wanted to take the journey to become a Global Scholar.

    Thus, this year I was thrilled to take part in the Global Scholars program with my peers. In becoming a Global Scholar I was given the opportunity to research and present a grant proposal to receive funding for a local NPO I care about, and the whole learning process of writing that grant is something I'll be able to keep with me and use throughout my life. Being a Global Scholar also got me involved in events and experiences I would've otherwise never had such as taking part in my first story exchange or hearing fascinating speakers from around the globe at the evening GIP events.

    Each speaker that was brought in had amazing new insights into the current climate of the world, such as Vishakha Desai on international affairs or Dr. Cornell West and Dr. Robert George on the importance of civil discourse. As a Global Scholar, I also had the opportunity to host the event featuring Terry McCarthy on the importance of non-partisan journalism, and in doing that it was really great to see all the effort that goes into running those events I'd enjoyed so much as an audience member.

    While there was certainly a lot of work and time that I had to put in throughout the year, I am extremely happy with my decision to become a Global Scholar. It is truly one of the amazing programs Poly offers and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in global affairs and wants to become an educated global citizen.


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