"Generation Hope"

Thibeaux H. displayed his film "Generation Hope," which dove into the topic of teenage activism with the COVID-19 pandemic and other social movements around the nation. The documentary tracks the feelings and voices of student activists as they got involved and shared their voices on things like the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests.

Thibeaux's film is around a half-hour long as he looks at the vents around the nation and interviews people of all different backgrounds from places around the nation on ways they are taking action and what they feel is the best way to share and present their voices as teenagers, and how to bring power to that voice. After the screening of the film, there was a discussion in which Thibeaux shared that his inspiration for making the film was wanting to hear what other kids of a different class, race, or gender identity thought of the BLM protests and how they were responding. The film itself was very moving as many of the kids really exemplified teenage activism and getting to hear them speak and give their opinions on our nation was really empowering. Overall, the documentary was extremely well put together and I believe it was one of the most creative impactful capstone projects I've had the privilege to learn about and experience in my time at Poly. It seemed to be professionally put together and I definitely would be interested in seeing any future films Thibeaux may make.


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