Global Scholar Grant Project Presentations

I was able to listen in on three different global scholar groups present on their successful grant proposals projects they submitted a while back. These global scholars had decided for their capstone project to apply for a grant allowing for them to take action in the community, and these presentations were their stories of that experience.

Miry's List: Jackson S. and Juliette H. paired up with Miry's List for their project. They started explaining the story behind Miry and her story towards creating Miry's List, which began with her trying to help newly arrived immigrants in the United States get settled and transition into a new stage in their lives. That mission grew into the organization Miry's List that Jackson and Juliette decided to partner with to take action. Their project focused on the Serving American Newcomers at Home(SANAH) program, which recognized a need for laptops in the COVID-19 pandemic. Jackson and Juliette's grant money went towards funding for those laptops for families allowing them to take part in the SANAH program, which I will actually get to be a part of this summer and experience the program from the English teacher's perspective.

Lily Project: Katie H. and Magie G. shared their journey and experience that led to the relationship and partnership they have with the Lily Project today. They shared how their collaboration with the Lily Project started long before the Global Scholars program as they had an early interest in women's health in lower-income areas. This lead to them working closely with the Lily Project and creating a grant project for funding for short books on women's sexual health Katie and Maggie had written, that they could then publish and supply to the Lily Project for their future use.

CIELO: Laila W. talked about her experiences that lead to her discovering Comunidades Indigena en Liderazgo(CIELO) and the work she did with them from there. Laila shared how her interest in the issue started with a guest speaker in her Spanish class, and from there it grew into her discovering CEILO and the work they do around indigenous people and preserving their unique cultures. One thing CEILO highlights are the real diversity amongst Latin indigenous people and the tendencies of society to group them together as one, so part of Laila's grant project went towards funding for CEILO to allow them to continue the work they've been doing for their community.

Overall, it was an amazing experience getting to hear the three fabulous presentations and it definitely taught me about areas and communities I was previously uneducated on.


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